7 novembre 2012

International Film Festival of India 2012

La 43esima edizione dell'International Film Festival of India si svolgerà a Goa dal 20 al 30 novembre 2012. Il titolo di apertura è Life of Pi di Ang Lee. Nel cast Irrfan Khan, nel ruolo di Pi adulto e quindi del narratore, Tabu e Adil Hussain. Una curiosità: Ayan Khan, il figlio di Irrfan, in Life of Pi interpreta il fratellino di Pi. La pellicola verrà distribuita nelle sale del nostro Paese il 20 dicembre 2012 col titolo Vita di PiTrailer in italiano. Vi segnalo l'intervista concessa da Ang Lee a Karan Johar, pubblicata da Hindustan Times il 4 novembre 2012. Karan Johar interviews Ang Lee:
'Karan: Irrfan and Tabu are established names. Was it interesting to work with them?
Ang: Yes. They have so much respect from me. They are not the ones who said ‘yes’ to everything I said. They always made sure that what they were asked to do was okay. So I told them that it’s India, so you have to let me know. They are established actors. That’s why I don’t have anything to worry about. My main anxiety is that the reading is almost like a fable. I have worked on that story for the film and the script has been romanticised in the end. Since India is not home for me, my main anxiety is how people will receive the movie here. Will they raise their eyebrows or will they adore it? I don’t know'. 
Vedi anche:

Irrfan Khan, Tabu e Ang Lee