Kangana Ranaut sembra tornata agli antichi fasti grazie ad un film confezionato su misura per lei: Queen, diretto da Vikas Bahl e prodotto da Anurag Kashyap e da Vikramaditya Motwane. Nel cast anche Rajkummar Rao, Lisa Haydon e Marco Canadea (attore svizzero di origine italiana). L'intrigante colonna sonora è composta da Amit Trivedi. Un gustoso assaggio nei brani Hungama Ho Gaya, London Thumakda, Badra Bahaar e O Gujariya. Trailer.
Aggiornamento del 7 marzo 2014 - Vi segnalo l'entusiastica (****) recensione di Raja Sen, pubblicata oggi da Rediff:
'This is a story of girl meets girl, and you should know upfront that this is not a love story. Unless, of course, we refer to the relationship between the audience and the protagonist. Because I dare you to watch Queen and not fall in love with the character. (...) What happens in this film isn’t as important as the way it does. The plot is a mishmash of Meg Ryan’s French Kiss and Sridevi’s English Vinglish, but [Vikas] Bahl’s treatment is fresher and more vibrant, and - incredible as this may sound - his leading lady is better. Kangana Ranaut is gobstoppingly spectacular. The actress has always flirted with the unfamiliar but here - at her most real, at her most gorgeously guileless - she absolutely shines and the film stands back and lets her rule. There are many natural actresses in Hindi cinema today, but what Ranaut does here, the way she captures both the squeals and the silences of the character, is very special indeed. Her character is built to be endearing and Ranaut, while playing her Rani with wide-eyed candour, is ever sweet but never cloying. It’s a bold but immaculately measured performance, internalised and powerful while simultaneously as overt as it needs to be to moisten every eye in the house. (...) Ranaut stays firmly and impressively in character. (...) Rajkummar Rao is perfectly cringeworthy. (...) This is a massively entertaining film, even though it does run too long, and Rani’s fun travails are bogged down by a sense of tokenism, by her friends being White, Black and Asian. (...) Everyone in this film is playing a supporting role, even the director. When nothing else works in the shot, you can turn unfailingly to Rani, besotted, and smile at her with an affection you saved for your teenage crushes. She’s a wonder. (...) She made Rani and much as Rani’s making her, and for that we must tip our hats. Ranaut always seemed like a misfit in mainstream Hindi cinema, a stunning but strange creature who belonged to a different jigsaw, but now our movies are beginning to catch up with her. Queen is a good entertainer, sure, but, more critically, it is a showcase for an actress poised to reign. This is one of those monumental moments when you feel the movies shift, and nothing remains the same. I've seen the future, baby, and it's Kangana'.
Aggiornamento del 28 marzo 2014: Queen ha doppiato i 50 crore di incassi ed è ancora saldamente in vetta al botteghino. Queen è forse il primo titolo, dai tempi del blockbuster Gadar del 2001, a registrare incassi superiori nella seconda settimana di programmazione. Ciò significa che un film interpretato da una protagonista femminile è riuscito finalmente ad infrangere l'abitudine criminale del mordi e fuggi nel primo fine settimana, a raffreddare la febbre da record immediato, e a ripristinare la buona sana tradizione della permanenza prolungata nelle sale, che vivifica la possibilità concessa a pellicole di nicchia di crescere, farsi notare ed attrarre un pubblico sempre maggiore. Era ora.
Aggiornamento dell'11 settembre 2015: ieri sera Kangana Ranaut ha presenziato alla prima di Queen a Parigi, città nella quale il film è stato parzialmente girato. L'edizione doppiata in francese verrà distribuita nelle sale a partire dal 23 settembre 2015 (in Italia 'ste cose mai, eh?). Video Paris Videostars.
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Parigi, 10 settembre 2015 |